For the safe deployment of the event, Saturday 15.07.2023 between 06:00 and 16:00 the following traffic restrictions will be established, in cooperation with the Traffic Police:
Car traffic will be restricted
- Bd. IC Brătianu, the sector between Piața Iancu Huniade and the roundabout at the intersection with St. Michelangelo (both directions);
- C. Telbisz str.;
- str. 20 Decembrie 1989 (both senses);
- Patriarch M. Cristea str
- Bd. M. Eminescu, the sector between St. Patriarh M. Cristea and St. 20 Decembrie 1989; we suggest restricting access only for residents from the intersection with Michelangelo Street, to prevent overcrowding;
- Bd. CD Loga, the sector between St. Patriarh M. Cristea and Bd. Regele Ferdinand I;
- Bd. King Ferdinand I;
- George Enescu str.; Splaiul Spiru Haret;
- bridge Metropolitan A. Șaguna / Mihai Viteazu;
- Bd. M. Viteazu (direction towards the Center, from the intersection with Sf. Rosalia str.);
- Bd. V. Pârvan (both directions);
- T. Lalescu str. (direction towards Bd. V. Pârvan);
- passing through the Michelangelo passage (both directions);
- Bd. C. Coposu (both directions);
- JH Pestalozzi str. (both directions; on the sector between the intersection with Cuvin str. and the one with Ștefan cel Mare str., lane 1 will be delimited and remain open to car traffic);
- Splaiul Dniester (the sector between the intersection with Bd. 3 August 1919 and Bd. C. Coposu);
Regular car traffic
- on the link Hotel Continental > str. Michelangelo > over the Michelangelo passage and on the reverse link Aleea FC Ripensia > over the Michelangelo passage Michelangelo Street;
- on the relation Splaiul Tudor Vladimirescu - to the right on Bd. M. Viteazu.
Organizational details
- traffic restrictions (road and nautical) are announced at the Timișoara Public Transport Company;
- users of the Waze and Google Maps platforms will be guided in real time during the event on detour routes;
- we will use volunteers to ensure all work points;
- the delimitation of the route to ensure the safety of the participants will be done with fences and signaling tape, provided by the organizer;
- the removal from the event area of any parked cars that must be set in motion during the event (medical emergencies, etc.) will be done under the guidance of volunteers, at low speed.