Rules & Regulations


Versiune 7/11 AUGUST 2024



Competiţia “Timișoara Triathlon” (denumită în continuare “Competiţia”) este organizată de CS Ride Competition în parteneriat cu Federația Română de Triatlon, având producător Ski2Bikeshop SRL și partener organizare și are ca scop promovarea triatlonului în special și a unui mod de viață activ în general.

The participants undertake to comply with the terms and conditions of these Official Contest Rules (hereinafter referred to as "Official Rules").

The official rules are drawn up and will be made public according to Romanian legislation and will be made available free of charge to applicants at as well as at the Competition location.

The competition is organized based on the Competition Rules of the Romanian Triathlon Federation available on the website and according to the legal norms regarding the organization of outdoor sports competitions in relation to the restrictions imposed by the legislation in force regarding combating the spread of COVID19.

By participating in this Competition, the participants agree to respect and follow all the provisions, terms and conditions of the Official Rules, as well as the rules in force, and to complete and sign the self-responsibility declaration sent by the organizers when picking up the participation kit.



The competition will take place on Saturday, July 20, 2024, in Timișoara.

The start of the swim course will be from different locations on the Bega river (depending on the chosen race distance).

The finish for all race distances is in Liberty Square.

Locațiile exacte de start/tranziție/finish sunt puse la dispoziția concurenților în ghidul atletului și pe pagina

Participanții se pot opta pentru următoarele distanțe generice:

– middle race distance (Half 70.3) consisting of 1900 m swim+ 90 km bike + 21 km run;

– standard race distance (Olympic) consisting of 1500 m swim + 40 km bike + 10 km run;

– short race distance (Sprint) consisting of 750 m swim + 20 km bike + 5 km run.

– very short distance race (SUPER SPRINT) consisting of swimming 290m + 13km cycling + 1.3km running.

Distances are approximate and differences from the standard WORLD TRIATHLON distances are due to local constraints.




This competition is open to anyone who cumulatively meets the following conditions:

- has a state of health that allows him to participate to the competition races, on the chosen distances;

- is registered with the Romanian Triathlon Federation or - for foreign citizens - with the Triathlon Federation of his country of origin. Relay competitors who can participate without a license are exempt from this condition. Competitors of the individual events can participate on the basis of an annual license or a license for a single day. To score in the National Triathlon Circuit, competitors need an annual license. The HALF 70.3, OLYMPIC, SPRINT races are part of the National Triathlon Circuit.

Licensing can only be done online. More information  here.

CAREFUL! If at the time of picking up the kit, the competitor does not present the triathlon license, he will not be able to start the competition.

O categorie de vârstă se constituie dacă concurează și termină cursa minim 1 participant.

Age categories, male and female:

Middle Distance Race (Half 70.3)

Open, 18-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-69, 60-64, 65-69, 70+

Standard Race (Olympic)

Open, 18-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-69, 60-64, 65-69, 70+

Sprint race

Open, 16-17,18-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70+

SuperSprint race

Open, 14-15, 16-17,18-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70+



A team can consist of 2 or 3 people. In the case of a team consisting of 2 people, one of the two members must complete 2 of the 3 courses. Handing over the baton will be done by transferring the electronic timing chip from one teammate to another.


O persoană care participă la una din cursele individuale poate fi şi parte dintr-o ştafetă.


The relay categories are: Mixed; Women; Men



Competitors in the individual races must complete all 3 courses individually – swim, bike and run – in that order and cover the entire competition distances for the race they have registered for.

Ruta competiţiei va fi securizată de garduri, benzi de delimitare şi conuri. Reprezentanţii organizatorilor – membrii comisiei responsabili de rută – vor fi prezenţi în puncte cheie, de-a lungul traseului și se vor asigura că toţi concurenţii desfăşoară competiţia în condiţii de siguranţă şi că respectă regulile competiţiei.

Competitors who do not respect the official route or shorten it in any way (thus obtaining a competitive advantage) will be disqualified.

The detailed map of the entire route is available on, in the RACE DISTANCE section.



Proba de înot se va organiza în Canalul navigabil Bega, cu startul din patru locații, tot mai apropiate de zona de tranziție, în funcție de opțiunea de distanță aleasă. Pentru toate opțiunile de distanță, se înoată dinspre amonte înspre aval (în sensul de curgere al apei). Mecanismul de start va fi de tip rolling start.

In case of unfavorable conditions, the organizer of the Competition may change the length of the swim course or, if the conditions endanger the safety of the competitors, may cancel this course.

In case of cancellation of the swimming event, the Organizer can replace it with a new running event.

The final decision will be made no later than one hour before the start of the competition and will be communicated to the athletes through the technical delegate.



The transition zone is the same for T1: swim -bike and for T2: bike-run.

Access to the transition area will be secured and permitted only for participants.


Access will be made only on the basis of the competition number;

Storage of bicycles and equipment in the transition area will be carried out according to the official event schedule available on the competition website, in the ATHLETES section. For safety reasons, outside of the announced equipment storage interval, access to the transition area will only be allowed to competitors participating in the races at that time.

Bicycle storage in the transition area will be done in the marked location, depending on the competition number and the race in which the competitor is participating.

Storing the bicycle in an unallocated area, before the race or at the T2 transition, will be sanctioned by a warning, if the participant fixes the situation before the start. If he does not fix this before the start or makes this deviation in T2, then the competitor will receive a time penalty.

Bicicletele și echipamentul din cutiile de tranziție pot fi ridicate din zona de tranziţie conform programului afișat de organizator. În cazul în care un concurent nu ajunge să ridice echipamentul în intervalul de timp stabilit, organizatorul poate percepe o taxă de depozitare a bicicletei în valoare de 200 RON / zi

The pick-up of bikes and equipment left in transition is based on race number only and will be checked by the judges.


a) T1: Swim - bike transition

It involves running the distance between the pontoon exiting the water and entering the transition area, depositing the swimming equipment in the box allocated to the competitor, and getting ready with the equipment for the bike course.

Abandoning items of equipment or other items outside of the competitor's assigned box will be penalized.

The helmet must be worn properly and closed before lifting the bike from the rack. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a penalty.

The competition number is mandatory starting from the exit from T1. In the bike course, it will be worn on the back and must be visible to the referees, the public, other competitors and volunteers. Violation of this rule is penalized.

Participants can get on the bike only after crossing the "Mount Bike" line.

b) T2: bike - run transition

Competitors must store their bikes in the area allocated in Transition. Violation of this rule will be sanctioned.

Competitors must dismount the bike before the “Dismount Bike” line (by placing one foot on the ground before the line) upon completion of the bike course. These two lines will be properly marked and there will be volunteers who will announce these areas. Failure to comply with this requirement attracts a penalty according to the regulation.

The cycling helmet can only be taken off after the bike is placed in the rack. Violation of this rule is penalized.



The bike course takes place on a loop completely closed to car traffic, which must be completed a number of times corresponding to the chosen course. Details of the loop, the number of laps to be completed, and the route map can be found on the competition web page under the ATHLETES > RACE DISTANCES menu.

Athletes must keep track of completed laps. If upon validation of the results it is found that a competitor has not covered the full number of laps, that competitor will be disqualified.


For Half 70.3 race distance:

The use of time-trial bikes or road bikes is allowed;

Drafting is not allowed.


For Olympic race distance:

Only road bikes are allowed;

Time trial bikes or aerobar type accessories are prohibited.

Este permis Drafting-ul între concurenții de același sex și care participă la aceeași cursă.


For the Sprint race:

The use of road bikes or mountain bikes (MTB) is allowed.

Time trial bikes or aerobar type accessories are prohibited.

Este permis Drafting-ul între concurenții de același sex și care participă la aceeași cursă.


For the Super Sprint race:

The use of road bikes or mountain bikes (MTB) is allowed.

Time trial bikes or aerobar type accessories are prohibited.

Este permis Drafting-ul între concurenții de același sex și care participă la aceeași cursă.


For the Half Relay race:

The use of time trial, road or MTB bicycles is allowed;

Drafting is not allowed.


For the Olympic Relay race:

The use of road or MTB bicycles is allowed;

Time trial bikes or aerobar type accessories are prohibited.

Drafting between competitors of the same sex is permitted.


The drafting area has the shape of a rectangle with a width of 3m and a length of 12m. The length is measured from the front wheel of the bicycle to the back. The width of the rectangle will be centered on the middle of the bike.

Temporary passage through the drafting area during overtaking maneuvers is allowed.

Temporary passage through the drafting area is allowed 100m before and respectively after entering or exiting the transition or the hydration/feeding area.

Temporary passage through the drafting area is allowed 100m before and respectively after a sharp curve.

Temporary passage through the drafting area is allowed for safety reasons (eg avoiding an obstacle).

The duration of drafting should not exceed 20 seconds.

The overtaking:

An athlete is considered to have overtaken another competitor when the front wheel of the first's bicycle has passed before the second;

Odată depășit, atletul ăntrecut are la dispoziţie 10 secunde să încetinească, pentru a ieși din zona de drafting;

Cyclists must move on the right side of the lane, to allow overtaking and not to block the other athletes (NO BLOCKING).



The run course is a loop that takes place on sidewalks, roads, or in squares and alleys. Car traffic is closed in these areas and pedestrian traffic is restricted.

The route map and route instructions are available in the ATHLETES > RACE DISTANCES section of the event webpage.

Athletes must keep track of completed laps. If upon validation of the results it is found that a competitor has not covered the full number of laps, that competitor will be disqualified.


There will be two feeding stations on the running route, positioned every 2 km.



Conform indicațiilor de la ședința tehnică, pe traseul de ciclism, înainte de intrarea în tranziție, respectiv de-a lungul rutei de alergat, cu câțiva zeci de metri înainte de finish, vor exista 2 corturi de penalizare, pentru penalizările de timp aplicate de oficialii tehnici la proba de înot, în zona de tranziţie, la proba de ciclism sau cea de alergare.

In this area, the race number of the penalized competitor and the penalty time will be visibly displayed on the board.

The penalties are as follows:

Symbol Description l ll lll
D Dismount line violation

60sec HALF


15sec SPRINT


60sec HALF


15sec SPRINT


60sec HALF


15sec SPRINT




Swim conduct/bike conduct – unsportsmanlike conduct at the swimming/cycling test


60sec HALF


15sec SPRINT


60sec HALF


15sec SPRINT



60sec HALF


15sec SPRINT


M Mount line violation

60sec HALF


15sec SPRINT


60sec HALF


15sec SPRINT


60sec HALF


15sec SPRINT





Misplaced bike or Equipment left outside of transition box

60sec HALF


15sec SPRINT


60sec HALF


15sec SPRINT


60sec HALF


15sec SPRINT






Littering/throwing waste outside the permitted area

60sec HALF


15sec SPRINT


60sec HALF


15sec SPRINT


60sec HALF


15sec SPRINT





Drafting – cannot be contested / nu poate fi contestata


Other violations

Yellow, blue or red card, depending on the race / Cartonas albastru, galben, roșu, în funcție de cursă


deceision of the referees

Yellow, blue or red card, depending on the race / Cartonas albastru, galben, roșu, în funcție de cursă

deceision of the referees

Yellow, blue or red card, depending on the race / Cartonas albastru, galben, roșu, în funcție de cursă

deceision of the referees


Constituie obligaţia participantului să verifice panoul pentru a descoperi dacă i s-a aplicat o sancţiune de timp sau nu.(alergatul pe loc fiind de asemenea interzis), oficialul tehnic va opri cronometrul până ce atletul se opreşte complet.

Aplicarea unei sancţiuni de timp se face prin oprirea completă de către oficialul tehnic din zonă, care va începe să cronometreze sancţiunea de timp. Dacă atletul se deplasează în timpul aplicării sancţiunii

Failure to accept / apply time penalties will result in disqualification.


3.3. SIGN UP

Participants can register by completing the online form on the official website.

Locurile nu sunt transferabile decât în situaţii speciale (urgenţă / vătămare / incapacitate motivată de participare). Transferul nu se poate face după închiderea înscrierilor și se va taxa cu 50 lei taxa de transfer). Aceeaşi regulă se aplică şi schimbării poziţiei unui participant de la o cursă la alta. În cazul trecerii de la o cursă cu taxa de înscriere mai mare la una cu taxă de înscriere mai mica, diferența nu se returnează. După închiderea înscrierilor nu va mai fi posibilă nicio modificare.

All competitors are required to complete and sign a declaration of participation on their own responsibility. By starting the competition, the competitor confirms the validity of the signature.

The competitor who:

- presents symptoms associated with COVID 19 disease, respectively, but not limited to: fever over 37.5 degrees, loss of breath or breathing difficulties, dry cough in the last 14 days;

- has been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days;

undertakes not to appear at the start of the competition.

The participation in the competition of people who have consumed alcoholic beverages / drugs or are under the influence of these substances, of people who have on them weapons of any kind, explosive or incendiary materials, lachrymatory, irritating or paralyzing substances, electroshock devices or other devices that can be used in violent actions or can disrupt the normal development of the event is prohibited.

The people who violate these provisions will be removed by the organizers from the event area, calling for the help of the authorities if necessary.



Competitors will use their own equipment during the competition. Competitors are advised to wear equipment appropriate to the weather conditions in the day of the competition.

At the swim course:

Depending on the water temperature, it will be announced if a wetsuit is mandatory, optional or prohibited for the swim course. For the swim course, it is mandatory to wear the swimming cap provided by the organizer in the start kit.

It is allowed to use a SAFETY BUOY (safety beacon) with the mention that those who use it will be the last ones taking the start.

Competition number, swimming cap and timing chip will be provided to competitors by the organizer.

At the bike course:

Competition numbers are fastened with an elastic band and must be worn on the back by each competitor during the bike course. The competition number must not be damaged (cut, torn, bent) or covered in any way.

The cycling helmet is MANDATORY for all competitors during the cycling race, as well as during the pre-race warm-up.


Bicycles accepted for the competition:

Bike type HALF race OLYMPIC race SPRINT race SUPERSPRINT race
Time trial bike YES NO NO NO
Road bike, with aerobars YES NO NO NO
Road bike, without aerobars YES YES YES YES
Mountain bike (MTB) NO NO YES YES

The same requirements apply to relay races as individual races over the same distance, except MTB bikes are allowed.

Bicycles must be in good conditions, with working brakes on both wheels.

During the run course:

The use of specific running equipment is mandatory. The competition number is worn on the chest / abdomen, to be visible. Running shirtless is not allowed.


The start and time limits for each race will be presented in the competitor's guide.

The program may undergo changes, which will be announced in advance.

The organizers reserve the right to remove an athlete from the race (who will be declared a DNF) if our race officials consider that there is no possibility for the participant to finish the event (swim, bike, run) before the stop times, depending on the location , the time and average speed of the athlete to that point.


The classification per category is made according to the final time of each participant.

The wristwatch chip provided by the organizers will be returned after crossing the finish line.

The classification will be done at Open and by age categories.

The list of categories and awards is available on the official website in the COMPETITORS-AWARDS section.



The refereeing of the competition will be ensured by a team of technical officials on behalf of the Romanian Triathlon Federation.

The team of technical officials and members of the race commission (route referees) will cover the entire race area and will ensure that the competitors respect the route and these rules.

Any violation of these rules will be sanctioned by the technical officials through a warning, time penalty or disqualification, depending on the severity of the non-compliance.

If a member of the committee in charge of a race notices an attempt by a competitor to "shortcut" (by shortening or deviating), the competitor will be disqualified.



The arbitration committee will be responsible for resolving all appeals.


Contestaţiile se vor depune la biroul oficial al evenimentului Aflat în locația de finish.

The appeals will be submitted personally by the athletes within a maximum of 30 minutes from the end of the race distance in which they participated.

The appeals will be resolved by the arbitration commission within a maximum of 2 weeks.

When submitting the appeal, the amount of 200 RON is paid; if the solution is in favor of the athlete, the amount is returned.



Prize money is awarded only in the general ranking (Open men's and women's category), as follows:


HALF race: 1st place = 4000 lei, 2nd place = 3000 lei, 3rd place = 2000 lei

OLYMPIC race: 1st place = 2000 lei, 2nd place = 1500 lei, 3rd place = 1000 lei

SPRINT race: 1st place = 1000 lei, 2nd place = 800 lei, 3rd place = 600 lei

SUPERSPRINT race: 1st place = 500 lei, 2nd place = 400 lei, 3rd place = 300 lei


Premiile reprezintă sume nete și vor fi transferate în conturile personale ale câștigătorilor, exclusiv prin virament bancar, în maxim 30 de zile de la data competiției.

În termen de 2 zile de la eveniment, câştigătorii vor trimite un e-mail la cu numărul contului IBAN în care se vor transfera premiile în bani, împreună cu o copie a cărţii de identitate (certificat de rezidenţă fiscală pentru cetăţeni străini).

La categoriile de vârstă și la ștafete se vor acorda trofee.

Concurenții premiați în clasamentului OPEN, sunt excluși din premierea categoriilor de vârstă.

The official award ceremony will be organized according to the official program displayed on the website and in accordance with the regulations in force related to the rules of prevention of COVID19.



Participants who give up the race during the competition are obliged to notify the organizer of this fact and hand in the timing chip in the transition area or in the finish area.

Medical care will be provided during the competition in case of accidental injury and the medical team is available near the Finish and transition area.



In exceptional situations, which cannot be anticipated, which threaten the safe conduct of the event (e.g. extreme weather conditions, earthquake, pandemic, military conflict), the event will be postponed or cancelled. Any external, unpredictable, absolutely unavoidable event will be considered a force majeure situation, including the situation in which the competition will be canceled as a result of the evolution of the COVID 19 pandemic.

If the competition is postponed or cancelled, the participation fees are non-refundable, the organizer being exonerated from any kind of liability for any damages caused to the participants, in accordance with the provisions of art. 1351 of the Civil Code. If the event is cancelled, the participants will receive the participation kit.


According to the legislation in force, the organizers will make public the names and prizes offered in this competition. The list of winners will be published on the official website within 7 days of the event.

The organizers undertake to comply with the provisions of law no. 667/2001 regarding the protection of personal data.


As a result, the organizers undertake to respect the confidentiality of the personal data of the participants/winners of the competition and to use them according to these official rules, the declarations on the own responsibility of the participants and the legislation in force.

It is forbidden for competitors to leave waste in the competition area, risking disqualification from the competition.


Eligible for participation (cumulative):

-people with a state of health that allows them to participate in the chosen race distances.

- persons registered with the Romanian Triathlon Federation (annual license or single-race license) or – for foreign citizens – licensed with the Triathlon Federation of the country of origin;.

Minimum age for participation:

- HALF 70.3 race distance - 18 years.

- OLYMPIC race distance - 18 years.

- SPRINT race distance - 16 years.

- SUPERSPRINT race distance - 14 years.

Information for Romanian athletes here:

The organizers reserve the right not to accept in the competition people who:

  • are recalcitrant, who do not have a dignified and respectful behavior and go beyond the norms of common sense;
  • are violent and aggressive with the organizers or the other participants;
  • have consumed alcoholic beverages / drugs or are under the influence of these substances;
  • they have on them weapons of any kind, explosive or incendiary materials, tear gas, irritating or paralyzing substances, electroshock devices or other devices that can be used in violent actions or can disrupt the normal development of the event;
  • are suspended for doping reasons.



6.1. Participation fee

Taxele de participare sunt afișate la secțiunea ÎNSCRIERE și sunt diferite, în funcție de cursa aleasă și de data achitării acestora.

In case of non-participation, the fee is non-refundable.

Rambursarea taxei de participare se poate face astfel:

  • – cu mai mult de 90 zile înainte de data evenimentului 100% din prețul achitat minus comision de rambursare 100lei
  • -intre 90-60zile înainte de data evenimentului 70% din prețul achitat minus comision de rambursare 100lei.
  • -intre 60-30 zile înainte de data evenimentului 50% din prețul achitat  minus comision de rambursare 100lei.
  • -la mai putin de 30 zile pana la data evenimentului taxa nu poate fi returnata.

Taxa de transfer între curse este de 100 lei și se poate efectua numai motivat, cel târziu până la data închiderii înscrierilor.

If a transfer to a shorter race distance is desired, the difference will not be refunded.

Pentru transferul la o cursă de distanță mai lungă, se va plăti diferența între suma deja achitată și prețul la momentul transferului a cursei la care se cere transferul.

Pentru motive medicale întemeiate și dovedite, se poate cere  transferarea înscrierii pentru anul următor, dar nu mai târziu de data închiderii înscrierilor.

Transferarea unei înscrieri pe numele altui concurent se poate face doar înainte de închiderea înscrierilor, achitând o taxa de transfer de 100 lei.



The organizers reserve the right to modify these Regulations as often as necessary, specifying the version and date of modification.
