

We invite you join us to give the contestants an unforgettable experience! We guarantee a pleasant atmosphere and you will certainly find a source of inspiration watching and facilitating the athletes' effort!
Volunteers benefit from all the provisions of the Voluntary Law no. 78/ 2014 regarding the regulation of volunteering activity in Romania (you benefit from a Volunteering Contract and at the end you will receive a Volunteering Certificate).
Cea mai mare nevoie de ajutor este sâmbătă 20.07.2024 și duminică 21.07.2024 la menținerea închisă a traseului, but if you can also get involved in the week before the competition, that's great.
We rely on your positive energy, which we want you to transfer to the competitors to help them complete the trials.

Way of working


We will organize through a WhatsApp group, to which you will be added after registration. You will receive all the information about "what/when/where/how", so that on the day of the event everyone knows what they have to do 🙂 For each field of activity, instructions detailing the respective activities will be available. With the volunteers assigned to the route we will go into the field, to show you, for each station, from which direction they come and in which direction the triathletes must be directed.


The volunteer's kit


Veți primi tricoul oficial al voluntarului pentru Timișoara Triatlon 2024, în timpul evenimentului – sandwich și apă iar după acesta certificatul de voluntariat.


Volunteer locations


Below you can see the map with the areas to which the registration form refers.
